Civil Engineering – Pleasant View, TN

CSR Engineering

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Highway 31 NEPA Transportation Project

CSR Engineering, Inc. managed the environmental compliance and design aspects of a federally funded transportation improvement project in White House, Tennessee. As part of the project, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance was required prior to design and construction. CSR’s coordinated approach ensured that all NEPA requirements were met efficiently while minimizing potential delays to the project’s design and construction phases. To streamline the process, the City opted to construct improvements within the existing Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) right-of-way, allowing for a NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CE). 

Scope of Services 

  • NEPA Documentation and Compliance: CSR prepared a comprehensive CE Environmental Document in coordination with TDOT’s Environmental Section. This included detailed evaluation, research, and documentation to ensure compliance with NEPA and TDOT’s Local Programs Development Office Guidelines. Additional environmental and permitting tasks were completed as necessary, including the identification and mitigation of impacts to endangered species. 
  • Public Involvement and Coordination: CSR developed and implemented a Public Involvement Plan, prepared materials for public meetings, and participated in hearings alongside the City of White House administration. These efforts ensured transparency and public engagement throughout the NEPA process. 
  • Impact Analyses and Technical Studies: CSR conducted a range of studies and evaluations to address potential environmental impacts and meet NEPA and CE requirements. Key components included: 
  • Project initiation and determination of class of action 
  • Early coordination with agencies and stakeholders 
  • Environmental review and scoping 
  • Hazardous materials assessments 
  • Natural resource evaluations, including wetlands and endangered species 
  • Cultural resources compliance (Section 106 and Section 4(f)) 
  • Noise and air quality analyses 
  • Soils and geology assessments 
  • Conceptual stage relocation planning 
  • Sections 4(f) and 6(f) analyses