Civil Engineering – Pleasant View, TN

CSR Engineering

Request Info

WHUD 24” Water Main

CSR Engineering is assisting the White House Utility District with the replacement of a water main in Sumner County TN. The proposed services include the design of 13,400 linear feet of 24” Ductile Iron water main, boundary and topographic surveying for easement acquisition, and related construction engineering services. This project is a collaborative effort to upgrade infrastructure and ensure the efficient delivery of water services to the area customers. The project will generally follow the layouts and discussions provided by WHUD. This water main replacement and extension runs north along New Hope Road to Mud Hollow Road and continues the entire length of Mud Hollow Road where the terminus of the new main will connect to existing infrastructure near the intersection of Jones Road. This project coupled with previous and future phase is part of the utility district’s goal to provide expected water demand to the areas serviced for many years to come.

CSR Engineering remains committed to providing ongoing support to the White House Utility District. This includes comprehensive maintenance strategies, and responsive assistance to address any unforeseen challenges that may arise.

The scope of work will be as follows:

Scope of Work for the Services

  • Receive preliminary sketches and related information relevant to the existing conditions and recommended improvements
  • Develop preliminary layouts to aide in the decision of the precise placement of the proposed water main (terrain, working space, ROW/property & added services to be considered)
  • Provide survey of the terrain and infrastructure in the vicinity of the proposed improvement including the roadway and adjacent visible and/or marked facilities (includes gathering ROW information available from the roadway owners on that affected portion)
  • Interpret geotechnical data relevant to restrictive features rock locations at key locations and critical stream crossings for incorporation into preliminary layout consideration and for use during construction bidding
  • Develop final construction plans, specifications and bid documents
  • Submit Exhibits and property descriptions for use in property easement acquisitions
  • Submit to TDEC for public water permit approval
  • Coordinate with the local/state government for temporary construction access and submit for permit approval as required
  • Participate in the pre-bid and pre-construction meetings in concert with WHUD
  • Provide construction assistance on an as-needed basis to assist WHUD testing and inspection personnel (field engineering, if needed)
  • Provide As-built PDF and CAD drawings and/or GIS mapping and integration of the installed items